Dr. Andrews is the Founder and CEO of Sierra Sciences, a company focused on finding ways to extend the human lifespan and healthspan through telomere maintenance. Andrews likens the underlying causes of aging, free radicals and the rest, to sticks of dynamite, with truncated telomeres being the stick with the shortest fuse. Telomeres are also a clock. Dr Bill Andrews PhD who is one of the leading scientists in the field of age-caused diseases and their treatment in USA He has been insisting that Human could live as long as 150 years old and aging is disease and it is curable If aging is a disease how does it happen in the first place? Molecular biologist and gerontologist Dr Bill Andrews discovered the telomerase gene, which triggers production of telomerase, the substance that stimulates telomere growth.But telomerase production diminishes with age. Sierra Sciences, LLC is a company devoted to finding ways to extend our health-spans and life-spans beyond the theoretical maximum of 125 years. The latest information about how telomeres affect the aging process. Sharing information to help you look and feel younger. It’s a practice he calls “longevity running,” because he is convinced that it makes his telomeres longer. And […] Podcast 032 Telomeres is coming up next week on Thursday August 13th. Healing Yourself. That is, telomere shortening and lengthening … However, this only happens in eggs, sperm, and most stem cells; regular cells do not replace what was lost. Because telomeres consist simply of repeated code, they are easy to lengthen after being shortened by cell division. When I was doing research for Body Hack IV with Bill Andrews and the studies trying to stop senescence and increase lifespan, I came across a substance that many medical professional shave started to say has a really powerful anti-aging effect. Telomeres are the protective caps at the ends of our cells’ chromosomes that help protect our DNA from damage. Bill Andrews, PhD. Listen in ad Dr. Meaghan and Wendy as they talk about Telomeres. The substance is L-Carnosine. Sierra Sciences | 1.533 volgers op LinkedIn. Aging is linked to the shortening of telomeres, the protective tips of chromosomes found in all cells. Dr. Bill Andrews has worked in the biotech industry for over 35 years Molecular biologist. Dr. Bill Andrews, one of the renowned Telomeres researchers in the 21century, says, Bad Things Happen When Telomeres Get Short! So when he heard about the new anti-aging pill, he wanted in on the action. If someone claims to have a supplement that turns on telomerase, or lengthens telomeres, then they should be able to produce data from a reputable independent lab experienced in running these tests to prove it. can look at lengthening telomeres to boost the immune system to continue to fight the cancer. In 2010 IsaGenix begin a working relationship with Biologist Dr Bill Andrews (Of Sierra Sciences) in developing their Telomeres product - Product B. The results should help early adopters decide whether the supplement is worth its $8,000-per-year price tag. I took a telomerase inducer, which I think we should talk about for listeners, it was TA-65 [Buy USA, Buy UK/Europe], invented by Bill Andrews, who many will have heard of. A daily supplement is now on the market that claims to make you younger. ... Anti Aging Experiments Bill Andrews Anti Aging. In 2010 IsaGenix begin a working relationship with Biologist Dr Bill Andrews (Of Sierra Sciences) in developing their Telomeres product - Product B. Dr. Bill Andrews: World's leading telomere expert. 2.1 Weights Anti Aging Retinol Cream For Anti Aging. Dr Bill andrews is one of the leading experts in the field of life extension. Improbable. That's also what Bill Andrews, Ph.D. has made his challenge to solve. Bill believes this is the cause of all the age-related diseases, like heart disease and Alzheimers. Every time cells divide, their telomeres shorten, which eventually prompts them to stop dividing and die. These are words that come to mind when you first hear of Dr. Bill Andrews’ personal and professional goals. Telomeres are found at the tips of our chromosomes and have been shown, in thousands of scientific peer-reviewed studies, to be the clock of aging in humans. Everyone in the room, which included Bill Andrews, one of the scientists who discovered the telomere, was on TA-65. After a while, they become so short that chromosomes are exposed to damage, and cells no longer replace themselves. The beads are called bases and a typical chromosome is about, a typical DNA molecule inside a chromosome is about a hundred million bases in length. There’s not a single disease that’s not connected to Telomerase shortening. John Anderson and Dr Bill Andrews have formed a partnership building on the breakthrough scientific research on telomeres and their effect on the aging process and physical degeneration. For now, adding an extra gene for hTERT may be the most promising generalized anti-aging intervention. Posted in Telomeres Product B Tagged Dr. Bill Andrews, IsaGenix, John Anderson, Popular Science Article Telomeres, Product B Antioxidants Telomere Support, telomeres, Telomeres Product B, telomeres support Leave a comment The science behind Product B goes beyond the symptoms of aging to target the ultimate source of aging. This is why telomeres are called the “aging clocks” of the human body. Popular Science Article Bill Andrews Telomeres Product B. From the website JonBarron.Com End Of Old Age I’m not … We age because our telomeres get shorter and our cells age. Every time cells divide, their telomeres shorten, which eventually prompts them to stop dividing and die. It activated telomerase in vitro , and in vivo it produced a decline in senescent toxic T cells and killer cells, mainly in subjects who were seropositive for cytomegalovirus (CMV). Dr. Dave’s Best is an organization committed to the development and evolution a full range of the best anti-aging supplements and cosmetics, designed to reach the broadest base possible, from young to old, elite athletes to week end warriors, men and women in the prime of their lives, approaching, or in their golden years. The supplement keeps telomeres from shortening as we age. Upon review of YouTube clips commented by Bill Andrews and Nobel price winners I have been on Isagenix over 6 months. Bill Andrews (Sierra Sciences) is also pushing gene therapy trials. T.A. - Dr. Bill Andrews believes the cause of aging resides in the small caps at the end of chromosomes called telomeres. As to the studies used by Revgenetics/TA Sciences to support their claims of health benefits of TA-65: As we have been able to ascertain they were all commissioned, sponsored or paid for by the manufacturer T.A. Im close to re testing my telomeres again, so we will see how better my telomeres have gotten. He has a PhD in molecular biology and casually runs 130-mile ultra-marathons in his spare time. What truly matters is what speed we age at. The face of anti-aging has changed forever. This research was so significant that in 2009 it was awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. This work is all-original and all-unique. Andrews says his ultramarathon times dropped when he started taking TA-65. It had been a part of a segment that talked about how researchers were researching aging and searching for solutions that may extend human lifespans as much as 150 years of age. William Shatner - Revolutionary Technology … Bill Turon, 64 Berkeley Hts., NJ “My telomeres got longer by 100 base pairs at 3 months and an additional 100 base pairs at 6 months. I believe it is the most innovative topic on anti-aging. Dr. Bill Andrew’s Team has developed a line of products that helps to rebuild your Telomere’s. What are Telomeres? Telomere biologist Bill Andrews of Sierra Sciences is taking a telomerase-boosting supplement called TA-65. Recharge holds the promise of reversing that process. And think of these long string of beads as a shoelace. “I believe it’s safer than driving my car to work,” he says. Dr. Bill Andrews is the creator of TAM-818, the world's most powerful anti-aging active ingredient. Bill Andrews, Ph.D., Libella’s Chief Scientific Officer, has developed an AAV gene therapy that aims to lengthen telomeres. Longevity Edge™ Immortality Edge Dietary Supplement Packs 3 capsules per pack, 30 packs per container Whether we like it or not, we all age. More than 25 years of research by Dr. Bill Andrews on finding ways to extend human lifespan through the intervention of telomere shortening in human cells has led to the development of Telomerase Activating Molecules (TAM). Various Studies have confirmed that a dietary supplement, astragalus, first discovered in ancient Chinese medicine activates telomerase. Positive signs are improvement of immunity. I do the lifestyle measures you mentioned and also take TA-65. But hang on to your hat -- medical reporter Lori Lyle says … But one peer reviewed study, published in September 2011, reported on humans who were given the telomerase activator, TA-65, to maintain the normal length of telomeres. Made from a Chinese root, TA-65 helps to activate telomerase, which rebuilds the strands. Bill is researching telomeres, which are the caps at “Our company is devoted to finding ways to enrich and expand our health and life spans beyond the theoretical maximum of 125 years,” says Dr. Andrews. The result is a herbal compound Isagenesis. 3.1 Anti Aging Korean Essence. Although there isn’t conclusive evidence that astragalus based supplements like TA-65 work, we’ve got a … Product B was developed by Bill Andrews, who conducted research on telomeres, small coil-like structures found on the ends of chromosomes. Hear the first episode with Dr. Bill Andrews in late 2015 – they were a year away from Human Trials: Curing Aging with Cell Manipulation and Telomere Lengthening – One Year Away from Human Trials . Every time cells divide the caps lose a bit of information and the telomeres become shorter. Research completed in 1997 established that humans also have an enzyme called telomerase that can lengthen telomeres. The AAV gene therapy delivery system has been demonstrated as safe with minimal adverse reactions in about 200 clinical trials. The effect of telomerase, (Product B) has been shown to … Still its an amazing supplement and clearly protects the telomeres at the very least. Sierra Sciences head scientist, Bill Andrews, has tested thousands of compounds for activity. Aging isn't an accident. According to Bill Andrews, Ph.D., who researched on “How Telomere Research is Turning Back the Aging Clock,” “Bad Things Happens When Telomeres Get Short”! How does Product B work? Although, I think he would advocate for not taking that one and taking TAM-818 instead. Human-made from 100 trillion cells” “If you can help keep your cells healthy, your whole body will be healthy” “There’s not a single disease that’s not connected to Telomerase shortening.” We discuss his anti-aging protocol. After a while, they become so short that chromosomes are exposed to damage, and cells no longer replace themselves. TAM targets telomeres in cells, leading to younger and healthier cells. Telomeres are the very tips of your chromosomes. Helps neutralize harmful free radicals that can accelerate the aging process. Sierra Sciences | 1 519 abonnés sur LinkedIn. Other pathfinders in the anti-aging movement celebrating Kekich’s 125th included Bill Andrews, PhD, President and CEO of Sierra Sciences, LLC. HI I spent a year at TA Sciences as their CME officer and I wrote the original manual on TA-65. In today's episode, I interview one of the world's leading experts on telomeres: Dr. Bill Andrews. We age because our telomeres get shorter and our cells age. Sierra Sciences | 1,521 followers on LinkedIn. Telomeres and Telomerase Explained. Scientists, including Dr. Bill Andrews, have been searching long and hard for a way to restart telomerase production so your body can once again protect and grow your telomeres. Sciences claims to be the only company in the world manufacturing a supplement in a pill form that has been lab tested and shown to stop telomeres … Since he started taking it a year and a half ago, Andrews says he has moved from the back of the pack to the front in 100-mile runs known as ultramarathons. January 18, 2021. He explains all of these during the episode. Telomere Theory of Aging. ... Andrews … Andrews says his ultramarathon times dropped when he started taking TA-65. Paying patient number one: Bill Andrews. –Dr. The second function of telomeres is to act like a “clock”, and this is a bit more complex. Scientists claim they've harnessed the fountain of youth in a pill. ... international expert in research on telomeres. plus.google.com Online Panel discussing defeating aging - progress in research, media responses to anti-aging, strategies for personal longevity and what we can do to further the cause of ending aging. The TAM-818 molecule – the crucial ingredient of One Truth 818 – was identified during 20 years and $33 million of research by Dr Bill Andrews’ Sierra Sciences. Designed to support your telomeres for healthier, more youthful aging. Every month, Bill runs at least one 100 mile race. He teamed with renowned master herbalist and formulator, John Anderson created a wonderful nutritional supplement and healing system that is … The science behind Isagenesis goes beyond the symptoms of aging to target the ultimate source of aging. Today more than 8,000 scientific articles have been reported on the importance of telomeres in aging. Carrol’s report describes telomeres, the complex non-coding DNA structures at the tips of chromosomes that act as protective caps, and how as … ... Dr Bill Andrews. What is Dr. Dave’s Best? The … Sciences recently released the first supplement to restore telomeres… You'll have to decide for yourself. The New Science of Reverse Aging Dr. Bill Andrews – Cure Aging or Die Trying. Telomeres Info in Prestigious Peer-Reviewed Journal NATURE – Article Synopsis – Chromosomes have caps of repetitive DNA called telomeres at their ends. Over 50 percent saw an improvement in vision, libido, and quality of sleep. Harley and Dr. Bill Andrews have both also made your point that, even if a supplement or drug could ‘include the enzyme telomerase,’ which is doubtful, the human body cannot use it! He founded his own medical research company Sierra Sciences in 1999 in his quest to discover causes and solutions for aging. Isagenix, in collaboration with Dr Bill Andrews, is right at the forefront of scientific developments in this field. Andrews says his ultramarathon times dropped when he started taking TA-65. Also, the author focuses on telomerase and analyzes the effect of a food supplement that boosts this enzyme’s activity. However, at some point in your life the gene behind its production simply shuts down, stopping telomerase production cold. Oxidative stress, toxins and a poor diet can cause the process of telomere shortening to speed up, which means we age faster in life. Learn more. I had a chance to speak directly with the people responsible for its discovery and those who researched its activity on telomerase and telomeres. Our intention is to provide a broad range of information about age reversal to our members to help them make more informed decisions for their longevity. From studying up on herbal remedies and traditional Chinese medicine, I found that the herbal remedy which activates telomeres to keep longevity is Astragalus membranaceus. Every time cells replace themselves with new ones, telomeres become a little shorter. If this is a new term for you, listen in, you will want to know more about this and it’s potential to cure aging. A preliminary in vitro study on human CD4 and CD8 T cells found that cycloastragenol may moderately increase telomerase activity and inhibit the onset of cellular senescence. The 55-year-old scientist understands how the pill works and hopes it's worth the cost. My regular 30-mile bike ride- with a 4000 foot climb- … Telomerase, as previously stated, inhibits telomeres from shortening and TA-65 is also said to increase overall telomere length. Dr. Bill Andrews is an accomplished molecular biologist and a 61-year-old ultra-marathon runner. In the future a gene therapy could be more effective. Full Solution to Reverse Aging in Human Cells Found with Dr. Bill Andrews 03-22-2017 Part 2 of 2: Dr. Bill Andrews and his team rejoins the program to share his bombshell news that his lab has found a “full solution” for lengthening telomeres to reverse aging of human cells. Sciences, who own the rights to this all natural supplement. Bill Andrews and others have a long-term goal of developing drugs that will signal the body to activate its own telomerase gene, but these seem to be a few years off. The results should help early adopters decide whether the supplement is worth its usd 8,000-per-year price tag. Screening hundreds of thousands of chemicals in vitro for telomerase activity, they came up with TAM 818, which is now for sale in New Zealand as a skin cream . Discover the best telomere lengthening supplement, telomerase herbs, and a telomerase enzyme supplement for healthy longevity. Aging isn't an accident. Not surprisingly, the supplement and pharmaceutical worlds are taking note: A New York-based company called T.A. Dr. Andrews is the Founder and CEO of Sierra Sciences , a company focused on finding ways to extend the human lifespan and healthspan through telomere maintenance. At Sierra Sciences labs ( run by Bill Andrews the guy who discovered the human telomerase gene) Fish oil did not turn on telomerase but it did improve cellular viability- that is more cells lived to their normal limits- fewer cells died "young". Don’t miss out on a crucial anti-aging element that directly impacts your DNA — telomere support supplements! The science behind Isagenesis goes beyond the symptoms of aging to target the ultimate source of aging. In today's episode, I interview one of the world's leading experts on telomeres: Dr. Bill Andrews. can look at lengthening telomeres to boost the immune system to continue to fight the cancer. Through testing of a mind boggling 304,000 substances Bill Andrews was able to identify eight that stimulate the telomerase gene, and revive telomere growth in the test tube. Andrews is the founder and president of the biotechnology company Sierra Sciences. Sierra Sciences, LLC is a company devoted to finding ways to extend our health-spans and life-spans beyond the theoretical maximum of 125 years. The roles of telomers in curing aging. Seven tips to slow down telomere shortening to live longer by Dr.Bill Andrews. Bill Andrews: Curing Aging Through Telomere Biology. ... New Study Shows Longer Telomeres Makes You Look Younger. April 27th, 2010 by jadeadmin. Bill Andrews’s feet are so large, he tells me, that back when he was 20 he was able to break the Southern California barefoot-waterskiing distance record the first time he put skin to water. Human-made from 100 trillion cells” “If you can help keep your cells healthy, your whole body will be healthy” “There’s not a single disease that’s not connected to Telomerase shortening.” We bring to you our range of beauty and aging care products combining TAM with And by the way, “STEM CELL DOESN’T WORK”. And a Reno, Nevada-based biomedical research company called Sierra Sciences is actively working to create a drug that founder and molecular biologist Bill Andrews says could be the mythical Fountain of Youth that mankind has long sought. There’s been a lot of publicity about Telomeres recently. For over 11 years Dr Bill Andrews research company Sierra Sciences invested $33 million dollars in to Telomere research and screened over 350,000 compounds in their search for the strongest active ingredients to switch on the telomerase gene within our cells by coaxing the repressor away from the telomerase gene. Dr. Andrews and master formulator, John Anderson, have created the ultimate daily antioxidant supplement. In 2009, the discovery of how the telomeres inside our DNA can be repaired, received the Nobel Prize in Medicine.. So, it could be overly simplifying things but to me that is going to be common knowledge or orthodox in a few years. TAM is the most effective anti-aging compound available. TA-65 from TA Sciences is another established supplement. Harley and Dr. Bill Andrews have both also made your point that, even if a supplement or drug could ‘include the enzyme telomerase,’ which is doubtful, the human body cannot use it! Bill Andrews lead a team of scientists pursuing this line of research and have been virtually the only scientists pursuing it. Dr. Andrews is an international expert in research on telomeres and the founder and director of Sierra Sciences since 1999.

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